Thursday, April 29, 2010

Plans (2011-?)

I would like to plant a grass corner by our sidewalk and property line so I don't have to try to mow around the cable/phone box anymore:

In the front, I would like to put in a kidney-shaped bed with 2 more 10-15 foot blue spruces and another rheingold. The stone wall in front of the viridis will hopefully be this fall.

And a more long-range plan- I would like to build a raised planter in the space between sidewalk, front door, and garage. I want a red dragon, crimson queen, or orangeola japanese maple to go in this planter. I hope to lay slate/stone around the planter to make sort of a loosely-defined patio area with a 1.5-2 foot border next to the sidewalk. Want some sort of groundcover to grow between the stones, and the border space would probably have iris, coralbells, or some sort of bulb flowers and a decorative lantern. I want a bench for the corner, and a container garden of bamboo. In order to grow the Japanese maple, I will probably have to have some sort of pergola built over the 'courtyard', and I also want an overhang for our front step. So lots of professional intervention will probably be required.. :)


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