Friday, May 08, 2009


Well, I must have done something right or just gotten really lucky- my 'bargain-bin' japanese maple made it through the winter and is THRIVING!! Beautiful fluffy leaves and branches. I am still not sure if it actually is a Tamukeyama or some other cultivar mislabelled- the leaves seem to be coming in solid red this year instead of the variegated red and green that I though Tamukeyama's were supposed to have. It also has that one squirrelly branch that is growing out straight instead of drooping- it probably should have been trained as the leader, but by the time I got it it was too strong to re-train, and at too much of an angle. The branch actually looks as if it belongs on a totally different tree, so maybe a graft attempt gone wrong? I am trying to train a different branch as a leader so I can keep going up and cascading down from there- will see if that works or not in a couple years...

But all my plantings from last year lived over the winter!! Hopefully I can keep that streak going!


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