Saturday, June 06, 2009

Last plants in, and mulch!

Friday, June 05, 2009

More plantings

When I went to our nursery again today, they still didn't have the small Midnight Wine weigela. So I changed my plan around and bought 3 of the larger ones (instead of the 5 smaller as planned) and 3 of the smaller My Monet weigela, which is a variegated leaf with a lighter green and a pinky white. Managed to get 3 of the weigelas and the 2 falsecypresses planted today- will plan on planting the remaining 3 weigelas tomorrow, and starting to mulch the whole bed (we are due a delivery of mulch tomorrow sometime).

Midnight Wine:

My Monet:

Black lace elderberry- first bloom

Monday, June 01, 2009

More ideas..

I was kinda laid up today- my arms and hands were badly pins-and-needles and achey and time I tried to move them or grip anything (probably from all the turf-ripping and shovelling over the weekend), so I couldn't do most of the things I usually do to keep myself busy. So I ended up with a bunch more grand and glorious plans for future gardening. Only prob is that these will require more sod-ripping and digging, which I am dreading right now. Maybe rototiller renting and hiring someone muscular to haul the dirt (esp into the back yard) might be a good idea. As long as I plan in advance, I will have more lead time for prepping here too- it won't be as tight of a timeframe as it was this spring. Maybe I can dig up the beds in the fall, then new dirt and plant in the spring?

Anyway, here is the extension of the front. I took a pic of what I just planted and expanded on it. I threw in a overhang over the porch for weather protection, a pergola on both sides for additional protection from sun for delicate Japanese maples, a rock planter and crimson queen/red dragon Japanese maple on the right side of the door, another blue spruce and rheingold arborvitae on the far left of the front, and of course the stacked stone and small shrubs that I am still planning on doing this spring.

Then I want a bed along our property line on the left as you face the house. I took a plan I found online and tweaked it to use some of the plants I already have in the landscape.. I have another dwarf blue spruce, another rheingold, and another black lace elderberry with a couple iris and other smaller perenials tucked around:

And some thoughts for the back yard by the patio. I want to plant an upright Japanese maple (maybe a Bloodgood or something similar), and I was thinking iris and maybe coralbells around it (found the pic in the design program and LOVED the leaves- will have to see how it looks in real life?). I also threw in a lantern, a bunch of rocks in a not-really-a-border border, a wooden bench for additional seating (and to prevent the dog from lunging off the patio directly through the flowers), and maybe some trellises between the windows?

So these are the ideas for now- who knows how long this plan will last?!