Friday, July 09, 2010


Apparently, Dwarf Korean lilacs can rebloom (in a limited fashion) if deadheaded right after they finish their first bloom- who knew?! I have about 6-10 small clusters out there right now. It also sprouted like crazy after deadheading- don't know if that was the weird crazy-rainy spring we had, or the actual deadheading, or some combination of the two. Will have to remember to prune the bejeezus out of it after it blooms again next year and see what happens..

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

The Blob!!!

We have a new visitor in the new back beds- tentatively identified as a slime mold. Assuming the spores came in with the new mulch load.. Despite the unappealling name, I am OK with it once I did the research and found out that it was not harmful to people or beasties. It looks really cool when you look at it close up too.

Monday, July 05, 2010

Clematis progress

The remaining Clematis stem is still ok so far, has about 4 buds that looks ready to bloom any day, and 3-4 others that are at an earlier stage. Fingers crossed!!!