I really am confused on this one- it isn't looking anything like a vienetta is supposed to, and it has been several months since the flowers first came out.. :\
Apparently, Dwarf Korean lilacs can rebloom (in a limited fashion) if deadheaded right after they finish their first bloom- who knew?! I have about 6-10 small clusters out there right now. It also sprouted like crazy after deadheading- don't know if that was the weird crazy-rainy spring we had, or the actual deadheading, or some combination of the two. Will have to remember to prune the bejeezus out of it after it blooms again next year and see what happens..
The Blob!!!
We have a new visitor in the new back beds- tentatively identified as a slime mold. Assuming the spores came in with the new mulch load.. Despite the unappealling name, I am OK with it once I did the research and found out that it was not harmful to people or beasties. It looks really cool when you look at it close up too.
Clematis progress
The remaining Clematis stem is still ok so far, has about 4 buds that looks ready to bloom any day, and 3-4 others that are at an earlier stage. Fingers crossed!!!
Plant problems
I have been having some issues this year.. maybe just the weird weather- pouring rain for a week, then boiling sun and 80 degrees..
One of my Wichita Blue junipers from a couple years back ended up with a large bottom branch browning out. I cut the affected branch out, so far nothing more seems to be affected, but I am keeping a close eye on it.
Then my pretty little Clematis.. seemed to be doing really well at first- climbing the trellis nicely and putting out a ton of big buds. Then within two days, one of the two stalks just withered and went brown and crispy before the buds had a chance to bloom. Sounds a lot like the descriptions of Clematis wilt that I have seen online. So far the other stalk is still alive and has grown nearly to the top of the lamp post, but it is almost to the same point that the first stem was with large buds looking like they are getting ready to bloom, and the lower leaves of the plant are starting to show the same purple-y patterning that looks almost like bruising that the first stem showed before it collapsed, so I am really afraid it is going to die on me as well. The next couple weeks should tell for sure...
Final dirt-hauling day.. done and the big tree is planted. Greg gave us a hand again today to finish off the pile of dirt from the driveway. All I have left to plant is a tiny little rheingold at the far right of the second picture. And then the mulch of course. Hope to order that this week, and Greg has said he will be able to help us haul Memorial day weekend some time..

Got my little
Vienetta clematis planted today..